Friday, April 24, 2015

ManSpider-HighPoly P1

For my second project I chose to do a high poly character model in Zbrush. For long I struggled on what I should make, as I didn't want to get bored of it easily and I wanted to make something cool. Some of my ideas included mouth of Sauron, spider man (for alternative universe as there is a lot of choices), black panther, daredevil and so on. However all these ideas were done already by many artists and that would mean I would use their work as a reference (or even worse, compare myself to them), however that would be just copying their work.

I always liked characters with multiple arms, so that was a start. As a huge fan of spider-man I thought I could go ahead and make the Man-spider; next stage of spider-mans mutation resulting in turning him into a spider like creature. The more I thought about it it seemed more cool and fun to do, so I decided.

I began by gathering lots of reference. My main (and rather only) resource was the 90s Spider-man animated series ,the model is  based on. The "Man-spider" takes place in 2 episodes, six and seven of the second season, so I had a chance to get a lot of good reference.

Before Peter turned into the man-spider, first his body mutated, giving him four additional arms.

Next I did some very quick sketches to think a bit on paper about the character before going into zbrush. Using the reference all the time I did some studies of the character including a spider diagram to lay down my thoughts. For example, his suit is ripped in the neck area, shoulders, forearms because of the increase in size after the mutation. His head reminds me slightly of cows or an alien from the alien movie; Long and wide with strong facial structure. His feet mutated as well, resulting in two toes and sharp claws, with dog like foot structure. Also his finger count changed from 5 to 3.

Next I moved into zbrush to do some test sculpts. First thing I had in mind was to figure out the anatomy for 6 arms.  Looking at the back I made the infraspinatus, Latissimus dorsi, and obliques join with each deltoid , making a flow. Looking at the front each deltoid has it's own corresponding muscle; top deltoid works as it usually does, the middle one joins with the top abdominal muscle to create a similar effect to the chest just like the bottom one with the obliques.

Later on I did some arms studies, which didn't turn out great. However it gave me an idea to make the claws separate instead of making it one mesh.


  1. Cool. I like about six arms. I wonder if you make a video for how Peter's side grow extra 4 arms.

  2. Nice, this was my favorite story arc of the 1990's tv series. xD
