Friday, April 24, 2015

ManSpider- High Poly Model P2

After the sketching and research I was ready to start the modelling. As usual i began with creating a sphere and dynameshing it; this way I feel more flexible in terms of sculpting. This character is quite complex, lots of things go into it, so I wasn't sure where to start. I began by creating the torso, but then it wasn't going too well, so I switch to creating the head. The head came out easier and quickly I was happy with the results

Next I expanded the body to the legs. The proportions are really off here, but it doesn't matter, all I cared about is to make the character come together, make him look like the character I'm doing (right here it looks like a Halloween costume)

When I was fairly happy with the arms I duplicated them twice and then dynameshed with the torso. This way I saved a lot of time. However as you can see the proportions are still off, and the arms are getting shorter.

 Here I rejoined the arms, fixing the lenght and proportions. The character comes together more and more.  Based on my previous test sculpts, I knew how I want to join the arms with the rest of the anatomy. Also I added the claws (dynameshed sphere)  Which then will get mirrored to the other side.

 Here I increased the head sized, and pulled the chest sideways to make him look more muscular.  The legs are still too thin
 Moving on fixing the proportions and adding more definition.
 Here at this point I created the suit. I did it by masking a part of the body, then extruding the mask selection, this way the suit fits in with the body. I've re did it about 4 times as I kept making mistakes, like not masking a spot resulting in a hole. Here Also I added the feet (dynameshed sphere) which are separate to the model. Using the snake hook, pinch, and grab tool I made the suit look ripped on the edges.
Here I did the suit again as it was slightly off previously. I added more muscle definition, and fixed the proportions, like making him taller. Then I dynamesh the body and the feet together as it would be easier to make the uvs, and not worry about the hiding gap between the feet and the legs.

Here is  the final result. Overall I think im quite happy with it! However I know I really could improve on time managment. I focused to much on a different project, and therefore got behind with this one. Also to improve it I know I could push the details further, especially for the suit and the face. Also The feet structure is a I didn't look at any anatomical pictures, this could be improved.

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