Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fantasy game project- Cave level

This is one of the levels for our Fantasy game "vertical slice". As this is Unity 4 it doesn't look as great as current generation.  The lighting isn't baked yet, or set properly. I redesigned this level three times as I didn't like the layout; the space was too tight and linear (even more than it is now)

Here is a maya preview with textures off.
 The idea was to make a jumping puzzle


Ourside look of the level.
It's a cave entrance inside a forrest (more trees placed inside unity
Unity 4 preview
Ingame look!

everything is fairly low poly, but still looks pretty good and fits the game style. I started off with the cave entrance, bringing the terrain afterwards. The terrain was kind of tricky to make because of the scale. Later on I've noticed I can't add the grass; adding the grass using the paint effects would take too much memory, and I cant do it inside Unity 4.

The cave and the tunnels are just deformed (maya sculpt tools) cubes with tileable textures on. Everything else is just a standard modeling

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