Sunday, December 7, 2014

WadeWilson!! WIP

Really early Wip here of Wade Wilson, the guy behind the Deadpool mask! I just started it today just so i have anything (except the main deadpool model) and I already came across issues! Previously I made the head sculpt, and i liked it so much that i thought I will dynamesh it with zbrushs default human model; I've hid the models head, deleted hidden, and then dynameshed my mesh and human (now headless) together. However when I imported the head model it somehow didn't come out symmetrical (was before i imported it) and now the body is symmetrical and the face not so much! To solve this i will try to remesh it (again) with guide lines through the middle of the face, I hope it helps! if not, not a big deal i guess; the symmetry is slightly off.

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