Wednesday, December 10, 2014

NewYork Project- water tower

 here is a first asset i did for out map! This is a water tank that is placed on our rooftop. I used lots of references for this, i wanted to find something cool that could be transformed into a futuristic watertank, something that would suit our apocalyptic, future concept. As this is a future, the tank was build from stronger and better materials, therefore it would be tougher to destroy and survive the apocalypse right?  I uv'd everything and applied texture, but now thinking about it I should have done tillable textures for better quality and memory management.  Also i applied some bump maps to give it some rough look, like it has been there for some time. It looks amazing in mental ray, but in unity the low quality textures show through, but it's alright.

First Design; more blocky, however i was suggested to make it more round, and I did turn out better

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