Wednesday, December 10, 2014

NewYork Project- Other Assets

Couple assets I made for our game!

We needed some random stuff to lay around, so I just had to make this! Back to the future pepsi bottle (Too bad i had to make it LQ). I threw this image onto a plane for a reference, and modeled it starting with a cylinder, adding more loops to shape the bottle.

Stairs that I just textured, my group mate made the model. This is a unity screenshot. I made 3 different textures for the stairs so it's more interesting than one texture all over again; I also added some rust and dirt marks. The sides are transparent, as this supposed to be a glass, however it's too transparent and looks like there's a gap; i think it looks fine anyway.

\Here we have a platform  used to walk around the building. Basic planes and shapes with transparency for the glass.
not much creative thinking here, it was pretty straight forward.

Really low poly background buildings with tileable res. I don't think they made it to the game

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