Friday, December 26, 2014


Here is the update on my deadpool model!
Alright now lets talk through the progress I've made.
I worked a bit more on the costume body adding leather (spandex?) folds and wrinkles, also i exaggerated the body a bit.
Next I added the other body , the one without the costume (Wade Wilson). I had to fix it  quite a bit;  had to push in some parts so it fits with the costume. The face was (and still is) the hardest part; when i pushed it into the mask it got quite deformed, so I had to fix it, make it look like an actual face, but still keep the comic book proportions etc.
Next was the belt. I used a basic extrusion based on a masking around the waist, then made the pouches with cubes and bit of claytubes brush
Next the chest belt and shoulder pads. Started of with masking off the spots, then extruding. Later on I used some inflation from the deformation tab to make the things on the back of the chest belt.

Here is the naked body so far. The marks on the skin are scars caused by cancer Wade Wilson has. Not much to talk about here I think; I think I still struggle with torso muscles, but It doesn't look that bad.

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