Sunday, December 6, 2015

Alpha Project- The Idea

The aim of this project was to

1. To provide a context for high standards of research, investigation, and reflective practice
2. To provide opportunities to develop in-depth knowledge and skills appropriate to computer games production
3. To further develop professional management and communication skills
4. To provide advanced engagement with computer games arts.

First of all, I think it is a great project, the idea that it allows us to choose the topic and the general task is great.
At first I wasn't sure what I would do, so many possibilities! I knew that It's going to be characters, and Zbrush, so I opened up the internet looking for ideas and inspiration. I needed a world, theme for the characters; I generally like unusual, creepy, fantasy organic characters. Later on I watched the second hellboy movie, and the Troll Market turned out to be perfect for the project; full of weird characters, coming from different cultures, presenting different time eras

I began with gathering reference from the Guillermo del toro art and movies

So here is just a few. To clarify, my aim wasn't to copy the environment or use it in anyway for my models, it's just a backup story, a place these characters would fit in

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