Sunday, December 6, 2015

Alpha Project- Character ideas and exploration

I chose to use Zbrush for so many reasons: it's powerful, flexible, fun to use, fast, and helps me visualize and bring characters to life. Also I like to stay in Zbrush most of the time so I began brainstorming ideas inside zbrush. By all means these aren't anywhere near finished or pretty, these are Zbrush sketches done using dynamesh

Here is one of my favourite ones! the only reason why i didn carry on with it is because I already had a humanoid, skinny character. This idea presents a tall, skinny man with skin disease, looking unconcious. The cool thing about him is that he is controlled by an imp (over there on his head!) that grew into his head, taking over his brain

 Alien like character? Doesn't talk in man tongue. Not really sure what else I can say about him, other than I was aiming for an alien character

This one was going to be an engineer character that would be able to fix any machine! I enjoyed it so much that I let myself carry on with the body and basic clothes. After all it didn't trigger  and I moved on

 here is an idea for a nurse character. Doesnt talk, movies quietly and smoothly. I enjoyed this one as well, and perhaps I will develop her further one day. These nurses are the best you could hope for, will heal any damage you may have; however if you somehow will upset them, they will unleash a terrifying scream, like a bird...then just chop you to pieces or something, blind you?
 I think this one here was going to be a bodyguard character. Bulky, strong, solid looking. Moved on from it pretty quickly

Another one of my favourite characters. Here I was aiming for the character to be overweight, and weird. As a result I made a pig , with skin disease, chopped off feet, and pants. Was quite fun to do it

Later on I decided that sketching in 2D will be useful as well, though I really think I'm not as good at it as I would like to.  You can see them below, and if you can't identify some stuff, don't worry; most of these sketches are supposed to only mean anything to me, my quick thoughts floating to the paper. 

There in the middle you can see the (originaly "the butcher") Slaver Driver/King. His creepy look got me!

Here is a fortune teller. The reason why i picked her as one of my final characters is because she is different, original, and interesting. 

I just think the bird nurse is really cool

Goblin head ideas. I decided he has to be old and grumpy

More butcher exploration. I like the look of the clothes I could do for him, but I think some of it will make it to the Slave Driver wardrobe

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