Thursday, March 17, 2016

Zbrush stuff

I came up with an idea of daily sculpts, but then I realized how hard it is in terms of time management. So I decided to do random sculpts as such as often as I could.

The Fortune Teller

Here are the Keyshot renders for the Fortune Teller. For sure she turned out the best out of the three. I really like the colour combination, red and black is one of my favourites (it contains some dark brown as well).
For the record, none of the materials, colours and assets here are settled, they will possibly change. Hand tattoos turned out pretty interesting, so I might do some actual mystical symbols instead of making it up

Looking forward to making it a game ready model I see few issues. First one are the chaplets, they wont deform well while moving the arms, so either I will have to remove them or replace them into a different shape, like  necklace or bracelet.
Next issue might be moving the arms, as they could possibly intersect each other (anatomically wise), if it turns out to be an issue I could place them differently acording to a different 'four arms pattern' is a way to call it. Here are some examples

Here is an example (left) of more or less the type I went with, thought the gap between the shoulders is smaller. The one to the right could be an alternative. Instead of being under each other, the arms (or rather shoulders) are placed next to each other



Lastly, the dreadlocks might be an issue to retopologize. I think I will try blocking it out with a cube, if that won't work (normal map projection) I will use a mix of zbrush decimation and zremesher to bring it as low as I can, keeping each cylinder separate.

Post-apocalyptic Alien

Something I'm working on in my spare time. It started off as an  alien bust then added the tshirt. After that I got an impression of a post apocalyptic character, borderlands (the game series) type. Really fun character to work on! I still have to work on the proportions and couple things like details. Also some kind of a weapon, maybe a ray gun?

Im beginning to like the zmodeller more and more, very handy! Used it a bit on the boots and the elbow guards
Later on if I will decide to retopo it, I will go for the borderlands  like textures.